Sunday, December 30, 2007

A new year, a fresh start...

I never ever make resolutions because I'm a pretty realistic person, and I know I most likely won't keep them. However, there have been several things I have really wanted to improve about myself and my habits this year (2007), so I'm determined to make a few of them work. While I would never post absolutely everything in such a public place, I figure I can list a few of them so that I can be a bit more accountable:

  • Spend more quality time with my kids. I know this could be on my list every year, but I need to do better at making that time really count and be special.

  • Spend more quality time with Spencer. By the time he gets home at 8 or so and the kids are down, we're pretty wiped. However, I have fond memories of those times when we have had great conversations and accomplished a lot together during the late hours of the night. (One of Spencer's resolutions is to spend more quality time with me - are we in sync or what?)

  • Not complain about Primary. I know it's a total stretch, but I'm going to try!! Well, at least I won't complain to other people--just in my own head.

  • Save more money and be more money-conscious. This makes me laugh though because I think I'm a pretty good money-saver to begin with.

  • Keep up my exercise. I often get into habits and then fall behind, and then quit altogether. This time I'm determined to keep it up. After all, I don't have weather excuses anymore (shucks).

Happy New Year everyone!!


Lisa R.D. said...

What great things to want to work on--so far my resolution for 2008 is to sit down and think about all the things I want to do differently--so you are way ahead of me!

Janene said...

I don't dare post my goals this year. You're brave! But I'm going to post them on my fridge. :o)