Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy Winter

There is a huge wind/rainstorm going on outside right now; I guess the damage in the area has been significant with trees down and bridges closed. As a church event tonight just got cancelled, I offered a silent "hmph" - it's not like it's snowing! :) It's all relative I guess. I'm reminded of Boston's winter STORM OF 2005. We had just moved there; it was mid-January. Our welcome gift was 32 inches of snow, with drifts as high as the top of our front door. Church was cancelled (thankfully, since we couldn't even get out) and I wondered what on earth I was doing there. Luckily it melted and we never had another storm quite like that in the subsequent two winters.

Back to the present...On New Year's day we went with our good friends to some really cool tidepools. Emma's favorite part was sticking her fingers into those sticky ocean plants that close up when touched (sea anemone? - I know, it's SHAMEFUL that I don't know this!). Both kiddies were soaked and smart 'ol me forgot a change of clothes. That made for an interesting drive home. It was a gorgeous day - not how most people picture a day in the dead of winter - and we all had a fun time. Of course Spencer had to call his parents, who are in a snowy cold place, to rub it in that we were on the beach. :)

1st picture - Finding some "pushy things." Wow, I'm finally (sorta) in a picture.
2nd picture - I love this boy. Who knew sand was so amazing? He's so focused on watching it fall from his hands.
3rd picture - Spencer on the phone, being led by navigator Emma.

1 comment:

Lisa R.D. said...

What a very fun thing to do to celebrate New Years! It looks like your kids loved it. You and Spencer get "good parent" points for getting out and doing something educational and fun at the same time!