Saturday, January 12, 2008

I Am A Pushover

I don't know when it happened, or what exactly has happened...but I have changed. When Emma was little I could stick to my guns. If she wanted a snack right before dinner - no matter how healthy - there was no way. I could not be persuaded. If her clothing choice was non-matching, it was out of the question...and she knew it. Tyler came along and my stress tripled, but I still didn't let Emma always get her way. Now I have a BIGTIME picky-eating toddler, and he basically always gets what he wants! I'm still harder on Emma (why??) probably partly because she's so mature and doesn't throw her body all over the place while crying and yelling if I say "no." Tyler is the opposite of her, and I think I'm tired of fighting with him. You want cereal (dry) in a bowl, 6 times a day? Why not! More crackers? Sure. Unlimited amounts of apple juice? Why worry about teeth anyway! You want to CONSTANTLY get in our bed at night? No problem!'s now officially driving me crazy!! He's worn me down and I don't know if I can get back to that stick-to-my-guns person I used to be! If I want to have any chance of surviving with these two as teenagers, I can't be a pushover on any level. This is something I will have to think on; and of course I'm always open to parenting advice - this is one area I for sure need it.


Janene said...

Yeah, I can definitely tell when I've given Zach too much wiggle room ... then he becomes the center of my universe. Even though he THINKS he is, it can't be true or I'll go crazy. :o)

You can do it. Just be prepared for a very not-fun filled-with-tantrum day. Sounds like he thinks tantrums work in his favor. I guess my advice would be to wait until you're ready. When you've thought through lots of scenarios and have a plan.

A reward for yourself at the end would be nice too... Maybe peppermint bark?

Driel said...

Thanks for finding me! Your family looks beautiful. I love blogs! I cannot wait for those tantrums to begin:-)

Natalie N said...

Wish I had some miracle advice. Heaven knows I need it! How do those little boys get wrapped around our little fingers so easily? Good luck!

Jennifer Gerritsen said...

I am so glad when I hear of others who have the same problems as me!! Jeremy, our first, really pushes my buttons and Ben and I learned awhile ago (and much to the chagrin of Ben's family) that he is too spirited of a child to fight him when he insists on having his own way. Our second is a little easier on us though, thank goodness!!

breanna said...

cheri i've missed you so! i can't stop reading your blog! obviously, i should be in bed! (some things never change!) when i read your posts--it's like you're talking about me!! it's the same story with renee and elijah! i guess it's not too suprising that they are only weeks apart from your children!