Friday, July 17, 2009

in such total detestation...

I may not have the cleanest house in the world, but I don't have the dirtiest either. I like my counters clean and free of clutter, the dishes get done a few times a day, I like beds to be made and toys to be put away. I really don't like dirty bathrooms, and don't mind cleaning them myself in order for them to stay presentable.

But I really struggle with one area of chores. LAUNDRY!! There is nothing I despise more than that. Let me clarify; I don't despise it in its entirety. I have two laundry days, and I stick to them pretty darn faithfully: Monday and Thursday. I don't mind putting the laundry in and changing it out. My problem is getting it sorted and back where it belongs. Sometimes I have a giant pile on my laundry room floor (perhaps the one downside of having a nice, big, indoor laundry room).
Other times, I get really motivated and it makes it down the hall and onto my bed. Then it all gets pushed onto the floor that night, or, again, if I'm really motivated, it actually makes it into the laundry basket (still unsorted). Sometimes I'll put it back up on the bed, determined to fold it that day. But it's just never my priority. In fact, I'd rather go scrub down the toilets and sinks before I finish my laundry. Shoot, I'd rather sit in the dentist chair for an hour or two before doing the laundry. It sounds perfect to, in theory, do it all right as it comes out of the dryer. Doesn't happen.

It's becoming quite a joke between Spencer and me. We'll sometimes have a marathon laundry folding night where we catch up on two weeks of clothes. I even agree that it's slightly ridiculous that Emma sometimes goes right to the laundry room floor to find underwear or anything else to wear, rather than to her dresser.

How do I get over this problem? Should I go for broke and hire a laundry lady (yes, please)? Perhaps I should just buck up and give myself a good kick in the rear. Is it normal to totally slack off with one chore, and detest it above all else?

(surely you understand why there is no picture)


Laura H. said...

Wow, I'm with you on this one. It's not so much that I detest it, it just always seems like Chandler is asleep in their room when I have the time to get it put away. I manage to get it folded and sorted pretty quickly, but then I just have these cute little piles left on on bed, dresser, etc. I say you're doing pretty good if that's your only bad area chore-wise. :)

Mark and Kim said...

I love laundry!! It's the one thing I'm good at. I think it's b/c I don't have to get my hands wet. Though I think I find a similar satisfaction in packing to move (which I've been doing lately) so maybe its just the organization of it...btw we just got back from Yosemite and I thought of you as we ate our ice cream in Curry Village. :)

Kim said...

My brother teases his wife that the dryer is "the big drawer". If it's not in your dresser, it must be in the big drawer! :)
My laundry gets put away when I need the baskets for the next round of laundry (a week and a half later). We have laundry parties while we watch a show or a movie.

You're SO not alone! :)

hales said...

This may sound counter-productive, but do laundry more often! At least every other day. Then you don't have "piles" of it to put away. But I have to admit that I'm one of the weird ones that actually likes doing laundry. I think clothes hampers look best empty!

Rachel said...

I completely understand your feelings. I'm the same way as far as not minding to put the laundry in and get it started. It's just that folding/putting away stage that gets me every time! In fact I'm looking at a stack of Levi's clothes on the couch. They did get folded, they just need to get put back in his room, but for some reason, that is the hardest step for me. However, I have found that doing laundry more often (as suggested by someone else) really helps. Obviously, it doesn't sound like doing a chore you hate, more often, would solve the problem, but I've adopted a load a day theory and I've had much more success at the folding and putting away aspect of laundry. The loads are much smaller so it only takes a few minutes to fold and put away and I know I only have to fold and put away one load a day, rather than 3 or 4. Anyway, whatever you decide to do (laundry lady?) I completely understand your feelings!

GHFamily said...

Your laundry problem is so funny... I hate it when every time I finish the laundry, there is a sock without a mate. I have a drawer full of socks without its partner. I've passed this disease on to Jesse & Kel who complain of the same symptoms. Hang in there.
Love ya,
Hoai My

breanna said...

it's a love-hate relationship over here...sometimes it gets done right away, other times on the bed, to the floor, and back to the washer!

but i do LOVE to fold the kids clothes {i don't know why!?} so if i have a load of theirs to do it, all gets folded. weird, i know!

Jana said...

haha. if it makes you feel any better, i'm sure my closet is 10 times worse than your laundry room. i don't even want to know what it will be like when i'm in charge or other people's clothes.

Stefanie said...

This totally sounds like me. I have 3 baskets full of clean clothes in my room right now that need to be folded and put away. Is is going to get done, probably not today and probably not tomorrow.

Camille said...

We're a little too alike with this one. My favorite has been having Adam and Matt do the sorting as one of their jobs, and they put away their own. I can handle putting away mine and Nathans, but Brian can put away his own (which is still in a pile on the floor by his bed since last Monday, but he swears he'll do it). The other trick is sorting it when something good is on TV or call me when doing it and we can talk each other through it! Good luck.

Salcido said...

I'll swap jobs with you- you clean my bathrooms and I'll do your laundry! :)I detest cleaning bathrooms!

Becke said...

wow, reading Mel's comment, I was thinking to myself the same thing. We must be sisters.

Sierra Parke said...

Hi Cheri! I am so glad you found our blog. I love your family. Your children are absolutely gorgeous! By the way, I struggle with the same thing--laundry, ugh! It is a never-ending vicious cycle!

Janene said...

it's the pits... and there is ALWAYS more tomorrow. :o)

When you figure out how to kick yourself in the rear, let me know. I sometimes need those too!

The Reichmans said...

I absolutely hate unloading the dishwasher-I don't mind loading the dishwasher but can't handle putting them away. I have been able to overcome my laundry problem by forcing myself to put away each load after it comes out hot from the dryer. Otherwise I have the same problem as you:)

Jamie said...

I've started folding the laundry as it comes out of the dryer. Then before bed we all bring up our piles and put them away. It saves time and wrinkles.

If it piles up, I've found that watching a movie while folding and ironing helps.

April said...

Oh I know can you imagine that family on tv with 18 kids? No way, that laundry would kill me.
I too don't mind loading but folding and putting away. One thing now that my kids are 5 and 2 1/2 they help me. Hudson sits down to help me fold, although I am a bit anal and don't like how he does it, I have to stop myself and say, he's learning and he's helping. Ruby whose 2 1/2 helps do the socks and she loves it. As to putting away, everyone in my house does their own, although I do end up doing it when my hubby's sit on the floor for days.
I've heard to that doing it right as its finished in the dryer helps a ton. FOlding it right there and putting it away. Good luck because I am right there with you.