Thursday, October 3, 2013

pushing buttons

There is a special spot in my heart for this boy.
There always will be. Even though he has told me twice that I have a big bum.

His cute face and platinum blonde hair just get me. His long eyelashes and cute voice... I adore him.

Last week he was sitting by me holding my phone and smiled as he said, "Mom, I like to push buttons." I smiled at the irony and have thought about that a lot since then. He does sometimes push my buttons. All my kids do. But I am so happy and wouldn't rather be anywhere else.

I have worked hard the last two weeks to be more present in their lives. I pretty much play with Sadie and Tanner all day. I have halted doing most extracurricular things, or things for myself that I used to. Sadie loves (loves!) to be out in the dirt so I let her crawl all over the front yard getting as dirty as possible. She also enjoys crawling all over me so I am always on the floor. Tanner loves to read books so we are doing more of that. The simple things that just get harder with more going on and more kids.

It's ok if you push my buttons sometimes, little buddy. When you aren't around to push them as much I will miss it so much!

And here I am with my cute baby. And both of us doing the Sadie bull face. I think she is pretty awesome.


Carly said...

That really is a fabulous picture. They are such cuties. Miss them!

hales said...

Can't wait to see you guys again.

Rachel said...

I LOVE your kids! They are adorable and so good (all of them). I was so impressed. Tanner's little voice is the cutest and how can you not love that face Sadie makes! Your family is amazing!