Saturday, August 11, 2012


In 6 years we haven't missed a summer of swimming lessons. I don't need my kids to be fantastic swimmers, but I do need for them to be water-safe. All my kids start off very cautious of anything more than the bathtub, but once they get that confidence they are like fish and it's pretty much See ya later mom when we are anywhere near water.

This summer they both whined and complained when I told them they were signed up for a 2-week session. Tyler didn't want to, and Emma felt that she was so above swim lessons, as she is a pretty good swimmer. But on the last day they begged me to sign them up for one more session. I was especially surprised by Tyler, as he is the one that was needing the most help.

So, we spent 4 mornings a week, for 4 weeks, at the local pool. Tanner watched, and brought Mack with him every single day.

I chatted with friends and took pictures. I loved watching especially Tyler evolve this year, as he finally has the confidence and determination that I have been wanting him to have for so long. He can swim across the pool. Introducing...the next Michael Phelps.

Emma learned the butterfly. And she did her first flip off the diving board - what is more fun than that?

I love that I can feel a little less nervous now when we're at the pool. Or maybe more nervous with all the tricks they are doing.

Next year it will be Tanner's turn (gasp!).


Carly said...

Tanner and Mack... haha. Your kids are such fish!

hales said...

Next up -- body surfing in the ocean. (taught by papa, not me)

House of Tong said...

I'm telling you.. you have little surfers in your household!!