Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Stand in holy places

This year's YW theme was perhaps my favorite ever. We took the theme and ran with it for YW in excellence last week. We have started in the last year giving the girls more opportunities to speak (to shine, really).

Each of the girls brought a pair of shoes and talked about how they stand in holy places. We heard about Trek, modesty, sports teams, the temple, etc. I was so moved by the strength and courage of these girls and when it was my turn I told them how much better they are than I ever was. 

Like I said, the whole theme was shoes. I talked about not letting your testimony go "flat." Sometimes flats are comfortable, but there are times we need to push ourselves a little. (Ha...like I am one to talk.)

Our wonderful secretary made the most incredible high heel cupcakes. She saves our bacon a lot, I am telling you. Danielle (1st counselor) had her baby girl the night before, and had to miss. But her baby is stinking cute so all is forgiven.
Such a fabulous night!


Jen said...

What a cute idea/night!

Danielle said...

I'm still so bummed I missed this night. We're pretty awesome though... so so cute!