Sunday, August 21, 2016

back to school

I honestly was in mourning the last week of summer. I just love having my kids home! Sometimes people tell me that makes me a good candidate for homeschooling, but I don't want to TEACH my kids; I want to play with them! We sure had a full, fun, busy summer, and I think that made it harder to say bye to them.

They knew all their classes and teachers, so they were off on the first day! Spencer did take the boys to school (but from then on they rode the bus) and walked Tanner to his class.

 The next day, this little lady got to head off to her first day of preschool. Even right before, she was angry about having to go and told anyone would listen, "I will NOT go to preschool!" We went shopping for a gift for her to take her teacher, and that changed her! She went happily, and LOVED it. Stinker.

 And she wants to wear lipstick and get all fancy for preschool.
And now I'm counting down to the end of May. :(

They have all adjusted well. Except for me! I miss having them around.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


We were home for two weeks after going to my family reunion in CA, and then Matt and Mary came for a few days before we headed on our vacation to Nauvoo with them.

We took them to Chuy's (TWICE!-yum), to Crystal Bridges, to the Walmart Museum and Spark Cafe, and to the lake.

On Sunday after church we headed to Kansas City and went to Independence and then to Liberty Jail.

That night and the next we stayed at the Great Wolf Lodge. So fun!!

Then we drove to Richmond, Haun's Mill, and Far West, before heading to our cute and really nice bed and breakfast near Adam-ondi-Ahman. We did AoA and Amish country before then taking off for Nauvoo.

Then to Nauvoo! Wow we had such a great time. Our hotel had a balcony that looked out to the temple. We saw the British and Nauvoo pageants (and actually REALLY preferred the British pageant), saw a cute kids' play where Tanner was pulled up on stage, went to the temple (and Emma and Emily got to do baptisms), saw lots of the old homes and took a LOT of tours, visited Carthage, and just enjoyed being there. We all loved it.